About Project

About COVID-19 and AI Simulation Project

The COVID-19 AI Simulation Project explores the potential use of technology to balance economic activities with measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
We collect and analyze data on the early detection of the spread of infection using AI and other technologies, conduct simulations, develop new technologies that contribute to infection prevention measures, and verify the results for social implementation.

Scientific approach from multiple perspectives

Approaches from multiple perspectives are necessary to predict and respond to uncertain events such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to discuss and examine the validity of various models and verification methods, and to encourage further refinement by exchanging opinions among teams and models adopting different approaches.
For example, in predicting infection, it is common to quantitatively grasp the infection situation using an infectious disease mathematical model called SEIR. On the other hand, in the actual world, various infection types can occur according to complex human movements. Thus, we consider the multi-agent model and complex network theory also useful, dynamically linking various elements in analyzing how infection spreads.
In addition, it is important as a basic scientific attitude to update hypotheses and simulation assumptions in accordance with the latest data and situations that are constantly updated. In this project, discussions are held as needed among teams that adopt multiple approaches, and the latest results are announced promptly based on analyses that are tailored to the strengths and characteristics of each model.

Scenario-based review

In this project, instead of coming to a simple prediction, we analyze various scenarios such as “What could happen if … takes place.” In situations where the prediction itself causes people’s behavioral changes, it is important to consider multiple policies that accommodate various possibilities under multiple scenarios, rather than providing a single-scenario solution to the uncertain situation.
The spread of COVID-19 is affected by a complex interplay of uncertain and diverse factors, such as the progress of vaccination, the amount of medical resources available, and the effects of declaring an emergency. The purpose of this project is to present materials for policy making assuming various scenarios using multiple analytical models.

Structure of this project

There is a need for a system that can quickly provide scientific evidence in response to ever-changing situations. In this project, individual R & D teams and Open Collaboration Partners (OCP) (hereinafter referred to as “Research Teams”) have been selected by open recruitment for each R & D area. In addition, from the viewpoint of promptly disclosing the research results and ensuring scientific validity, each expert committee member gives advice from a professional point of view for each individual R & D theme, and the progress of the research is monitored as needed. It is announced.

Preparing for future pandemics

Various measures are being taken to put an end to the novel coronavirus; however, the fight against the pandemic will not end with the novel coronavirus. To prepare for other pandemics in the future, it is important to accumulate and disclose analytical knowledge, leaving its traces in history.
We know that real-time access to a variety of data is necessary to accurately analyze infection conditions and make meaningful simulations. Data on highly granular human flow density, human flow movements, genome sequences, international immigration status, cluster analysis, and medical resources are some of these examples. Through this project, we work on the construction of system to access such data, and organize the knowledge that contributes to discussions on the ideal pandemic countermeasures for national security purposes.





01_Simulations for infection situations

Simulating Future Infection Trends and Assessing the Impact on Healthcare and the Economy.


SNS/Web 上の情報を基に AI 等を活用したデータ解析を行うことによって、感染症の流行・拡大の兆しをつかむ方策を提示できないか。

02_Use of new technologies

Facilitating the establishment of “new normal” with innovative technologies for infection prevention.


SNS/Web 上の情報を基にAI 等を⽤いたデータ解析を⾏うことによって、感染症の流⾏・拡⼤の兆しをつかむ⽅策を提⽰できないか。
AI 等を活用することで、従来の検査以外の手法によって新型コロナウイルス感染症の診断を行う手法を提示できないか。

03_Demonstrations for sewage surveillance technology

Development of sewage monitoring technology to prevent the spread of infections by detecting and monitoring viruses in sewage.




01_Early detection of spread of infection

Realization of new technology for early detection of epidemics and spread of the infection trough data analysis using AI, etc.

02_Infection prevention simulation

Simulation of virus spread aiming to incorporate the findings into guidelines for infection prevention.

03_Infection prevention simulation

Estimation of infection status and assessment of the impact of infection on healthcare and the economy.

04_Introduction of new technology

Research and development aiming for facilitating the establishment of “new normal” with innovative technologies for infection prevention.


01_Indoor airflow simulation and visualization of droplets, which are necessary for improving the COVID-19 Infection Prevention Guidelines for each industrial sector

A series of research, development, and implementation efforts enabling the effective implementation of infection prevention measures based on simulations of the spread of virus.

02_Use of ICT and IoT for contact reduction

A series of research, development, and implementation efforts enabling the effective reduction of high-risk contact opportunities as well as data-driven validation of their effectiveness.

03_Effective combination of PCR, antibody tests, and other tests necessary for improving test efficiency and reliability

Comparative evaluation of the infection prevention measures, prediction and verification of the impact of international human mobility, as well as the establishment of models of data.

04_Simulation and designing countermeasures against possible COVID-19 resurgence: predicting spreading of infection, estimating and verifying the effectiveness of countermeasures, and predicting demands on medical resources and optimizing their allocations

Estimation of trends in infection spread, evaluation and verification of effectiveness of infection response measures, as well as analysis of burden on medical resources and impacts on economy.

05_BioMedical Counter-measures: Analysis of CT scans for early detection and avoidance of severe illness, monitoring of patients with mild illness, prediction of risk of severe illness, understanding of the effects of viral mutation, etc. (*) (*) Drug di

Research and development of methods for preventing and detecting infections in individuals, with the aim of containing pandemics in the early stages, as well as establishment of systematic foundation for clinical research on newly emerging infectious diseases.

COVID-19 AI・シミュレーションプロジェクトでは、新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染防止対策と経済活動の両立を図るため、テクノロジーの活用可能性を検討します。AI等を活用した感染拡大の早期探知等に係るデータ収集・分析やシミュレーション、感染防止対策に資する新技術の開発、その結果を社会実装するための検証等を行っています。